This library allows you to fully customize the possible touch (and gesture) interaction with the chart-view and react to the interaction via callback-methods.

Enabling / disabling interaction

  • setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled): Allows to enable/disable all possible touch-interactions with the chart.
  • setDragEnabled(boolean enabled): Enables/disables dragging (panning) for the chart.
  • setScaleEnabled(boolean enabled): Enables/disables scaling for the chart on both axes.
  • setScaleXEnabled(boolean enabled): Enables/disables scaling on the x-axis.
  • setScaleYEnabled(boolean enabled): Enables/disables scaling on the y-axis.
  • setPinchZoom(boolean enabled): If set to true, pinch-zooming is enabled. If disabled, x- and y-axis can be zoomed separately.
  • setDoubleTapToZoomEnabled(boolean enabled): Set this to false to disallow zooming the chart via double-tap on it.

Chart fling / deceleration

  • setDragDecelerationEnabled(boolean enabled): If set to true, chart continues to scroll after touch up. Default: true.
  • setDragDecelerationFrictionCoef(float coef): Deceleration friction coefficient in [0 ; 1] interval, higher values indicate that speed will decrease slowly, for example if it set to 0, it will stop immediately. 1 is an invalid value, and will be converted to 0.9999 automatically.

Highlighting Values

How to allow highlighting entries via tap-gesture and programmatically is described int the highlightning section.

Gesture callbacks

The OnChartGestureListener will allow you to react to gestures made on the chart:

public interface OnChartGestureListener {

     * Callbacks when a touch-gesture has started on the chart (ACTION_DOWN)
     * @param lastPerformedGesture
    void onChartGestureStart(MotionEvent me, ChartGesture lastPerformedGesture);

     * Callbacks when a touch-gesture has ended on the chart (ACTION_UP, ACTION_CANCEL)
     * @param lastPerformedGesture
    void onChartGestureEnd(MotionEvent me, ChartGesture lastPerformedGesture);

     * Callbacks when the chart is longpressed.
    public void onChartLongPressed(MotionEvent me);

     * Callbacks when the chart is double-tapped.
    public void onChartDoubleTapped(MotionEvent me);

     * Callbacks when the chart is single-tapped.
    public void onChartSingleTapped(MotionEvent me);

     * Callbacks then a fling gesture is made on the chart.
     * @param velocityX
     * @param velocityY
    public void onChartFling(MotionEvent me1, MotionEvent me2, float velocityX, float velocityY);

     * Callbacks when the chart is scaled / zoomed via pinch zoom gesture.
     * @param scaleX scalefactor on the x-axis
     * @param scaleY scalefactor on the y-axis
    public void onChartScale(MotionEvent me, float scaleX, float scaleY);

    * Callbacks when the chart is moved / translated via drag gesture.
    * @param dX translation distance on the x-axis
    * @param dY translation distance on the y-axis
    public void onChartTranslate(MotionEvent me, float dX, float dY);

Simply let your class that should receive the callbacks implement this interface and set it as a listener to the chart:
